Představujeme hosta 32. Teologického fóra: Prof. Dr. William Atkinson
Při 32. teologickém fóru poslouží dvěma přednáškami prof. Dr. William P. Atkinson z Londýna.
Dr. William Atkinson vyrostl v Londýně. Vystudoval medicínu v Edinburghu, ve Skotsku. Nějakou dobu pracoval jako lékař. Poté zaslechl Boží povolání do služby v církvi a stal se členem týmu vedení sboru v Kensington Temple v Londýně. Během této doby vystudoval teologii na London School of Theology. V roce 1997 se stal ředitelem Regens Theological College, kterou spravovala jeho denominace Elim Pentecostal Church. V roce 2007 dokončil doktorát z teologie na Edinburské univerzitě. Od roku 2011 přednáší na London School of Theology, kde po dva roky působil i jako ředitel. Věnuje se především letniční a charismatické teologii a novozákonní pneumatologii. Je členem Evropské asociace letničních teologů (European Pentecostal Theological Association) a od roku 2016 je jejím předsedou. Je ženatý. S manželkou Alison mají dva dospělé syny. W. Atkinson je znám např. svým dialogem s prof. Jamesem Dunnem ohledně křtu v Duchu svatém.
Z bibliografie:
Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies Editorial Board: William Kay and Mark J. Cartledge The Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies cover the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements from a variety of perspectives. The series will focus on large cultural zones so as to display contextual influences upon the Pentecostal and charism. ISSN: 1876-2247 The ‘Spiritual Death’ of Jesus: A Pentecostal Investigation
Trinity After Pentecost: Paperback – June 18, 2013
The ‘Spiritual Death’ of Jesus (Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies) Hardcover – February 28, 2009 by William P. Atkinson (Author, Editor) The teaching of Kenyon, Hagin and Copeland that Jesus ‘died spiritually’ (JDS) is important because of the influence of these men, not least on Pentecostalism. JDS originated with Kenyon and has been taught in the Word-faith movement by Hagin and Copeland, despite much criticism. It incorporates three elements: in this death, Jesus was separated from God; partook of a satanic nature; and was Satan’s prey. This theological appraisal takes research far further than previous works, both in method and in scope. It concludes that adoption of JDS by Pentecostalism would be damaging in several respects, and thus draw the latter away from its moorings in traditional Christianity. Pentecostals and others are advised to reject the bulk of this teaching. “Atkinson has advanced the discussion to a wholly new level. This work - the first book-length academic study of JDS - draws on an extensive popular literature, articles at websites, and transcriptions of sermons, applying a keen theological intelligence to this heterogeneous material. This book is a stunning achievement - one of the weightiest works yet written on any aspect of the Word-Faith movement. Atkinson’s argumentation is exceptionally clear, cogent, and charitable. He pays Word-Faith teachers the ultimate compliment of evaluating their ideas with painstaking care and a determined effort to eschew premature judgments.” - Michael McClymond, Associate Professor of Historical Theology, St Louis University, in: Pneuma 32/1
Baptism in the Spirit: Luke-Acta and the Dunn Debate. Pickwick Publications-Wipf and Stock Publishers. Eugene, Oregon 2011.